911 Cast 정보
"Know When They Dial" with 911Cast
When you need help, your parents need help, or your kids need help – calling 911 is definitely the best first step. When 911 is dialed, 911 Cast then ensures that those individuals concerned with their welfare are notified right away, without any additional action by the person dialing 911.
911Cast is for Android Phones only. The authorization handshake will not complete on Tablet devices.
The 911Cast Application -
-- Does not change your current 911 calling behavior at all
-- You still dial 911 on your mobile phone keypad, and press SEND or CALL
-- The 911Cast application DOES NOT place the 911 call for you and DOES NOT interfere with your phone’s ability to call 911 in any manner
During and after a 911 call, the 911Cast provides tools -
-- Notification of up to 5 friends and family from your Contacts list (called your 911Cast List) that have accepted your invitation to receive alerts via Text message that you dialed 911
-- Text message includes a link to your location, if GPS is enabled on your phone
-- A Text Message window to send an update to your 911Cast List all at once, such as, - “I saw an accident and called 911, but am fine.” … or … “The ambulance is here, on the way to Memorial Hospital.”
-- See received Alerts within the Application instead of as SMS messages
The 911Cast service works on multiple devices and across multiple carriers.