994 Flowers Live Wallpapers 정보
994 Flowers Live Wallpapers presents flowers roses, lotuses, daffodils, lilies.
994 Flowers Live Wallpapers presents flowers like the roses, lotuses, daffodils, lilies.
994 Flowers Live Wallpapers features:
Double tap to change home screen or all screen backgrounds with 994 Flowers Live Wallpapers. Images can also be set from your photo album or photo gallery. Fix or change each picture of the screen using individual settings. Change your screen pictures with your or your loved one pictures using common settings (by selecting pictures source).
Installation instructions:
Home>Menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper>994 Flowers Live Wallpapers or Press and hold home button (screen) Live wallpapers and 994 Flowers Live Wallpapers, or from settings (create and open shortcut to 994 Flowers Live Wallpapers).
As for man, his days are as grass:
as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone;
and the place thereof shall know it no more.
Psalm 103
Flowers like the roses, lotuses, tropical water lilies, daffodils etc. are famous for their beauty and glamour. Besides, there are many other popular and common flowers like lily, marigold, jasmine, China rose, chrysanthemum, etc.
The flower is a pure and beautiful creation of Nature. It is offered to Gods and presented to the dear and near ones, because of its beauty and purity. It may be of different sizes, species, colour and shapes. It grows on delicate plants.
There are also small flowers like daisy and seasonal flowers of small and pretty sizes and colour planted in parks, lawns, etc. Flowers are used for decorating houses and temples, and allude in weddings and festivals. Flowers are loved and adored by all.
Flowers are really very soft and beautiful. They appear in thousands of colours and of mixed colours. They look very beautiful and attract our sights. There are many people who are lovers of flowers and have raised gardens of flowers. The poets sings the praise of these flowers. People compare the beautiful faces and palms with flowers. Hence, flowers are really beautiful.
The sweet smell of flowers makes the air pleasant to breathe. The scent of flowers is extracted and preserved as perfume. People apply it on their clothes to make them sweet smelling. Water of certain flowers is sprinkled in gatherings. A lover offers flowers to his beloved as a token of his sweet and pure love for her. Women love to hang them in their coiffeurs to look more attractive. Some gentlemen hung them in the button-holes of their coats. Flowers adorn and enhance the beauty of our gardens, parks, temples, schools, offices, buildings and rest houses. No human habitation is complete without flowers. Plants and trees full of variegated flowers are a sight to see. Poets are never tired of singing praises of flowers. Flowers satisfy our sense of touch, sense of sight and sense of smell. They are a rare gift of Nature.
Flowers are very beautiful objects. They give much pleasure to our mind. We should enjoy them from a distance as they dance upon the creepers.
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