A day with the Prophet 정보
예언자와 하루 ﷺ확실히 차이를 만들 것 손나에 따라 생활하기
"And whatever the Messenger gives you, accept it, and
whatever he forbids you, abstain (from it)" (59: 7)
Many Muslims are well acquainted with the sunnah of the Prophet
as a terminus techniques and all that it stands for in
Muslim history and legal thought. How many though, one
wonders, try to model their lives on the sunna, every day, from
morning till night? The almost complete adoption of the
'modern,' that is, Western way of life by many people of
Muslim origin suggests that the number is small indeed.
Nevertheless, it is accepted among Muslims that the sunna
is the key to understanding the message of the Holy Our'an
and to the implementation of the guidelines and laws laid
down in it. While revealed scripture explains the basic principles
and laws of Islam as a way of me, the Sunna teaches
Islam through explanation and demonstration of those principles
and laws; it makes them part of man's experience by
showing how they work in practice. The sunna is thus in·
dispensable if one wants to practise Islam and be a true
Muslim. It is in this sense that the Holy Our'an states:
"He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah..." (4 :80)
. Thus whether or not to follow the sunna has not been left
to the discretion of the Muslim, and to practise Islam on the
lines given by the -Prophet himself has been made an obligation,
as the Our'an says:
"And whatever the Messenger gives you, accept it, and
whatever he forbids you, abstain (from it)..." (59: 7)
. Bearing this in mind,the following pages are meant as an
invitation, to Muslims and non-Muslims alike, to consider
leading their lives according to the sunna of the Prophet.
For many reasons, this may seem to be too difficult task.
To live by the sunna would certainly make a difference: but
whether it is, in fact, more difficult to live by God-given rules
than by the man-imposed and alienating patterns and norms
of behaviour that are at the basis of today's way of life, can
only be discovered if one tries it for oneself.