A hedgehog named Dandelion - video tale 0+ 정보
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Audio tale about how the hedgehog named Dandelion helped his brothers and sister in a trouble and learned how to fly. The fairy tale can be read and listened, and the colorful pictures and the cartoon will help the baby to imagine the adventures of hedgehogs in the forest more vividly.
The application was created based on the children's fairy tale "hedgehog named Dandelion" - this is a kind story for the youngest readers about the family of hedgehogs, who had four little hedgehogs. All the hedgehogs were very similar to each other, all had their backs covered with little sharp spines, and only one hedgehog was completely different. He was less tall, and his prickles were soft and fluffy, like a dandelion fluff. This is how his parents called him - Dandelion.
The audio tale "hedgehog named Dandelion" is:
- A good story to read for the baby at night;
- Colorful illustrations made by a professional artist Marina Zaam. It will be interesting for the child to look at the pictures and guess which characters are in them;
- Interesting cartoon about the life of hedgehogs in the forest;
- Merry song for learning with the child;
- Forest sounds and birds singing creating a pleasant atmosphere;
- Easy navigation on the text;
- Text in audio book mode is narrated by a professional actor