A.i. Chat Bot 정보
Talk to a real Artificial Intelligence that will learn from you!
Talk to an application with actual Intelligence! A.i. ChatBot allows you to converse with some of the most prolific A.I.s currently available, including CleverBot, PandoraBot, and JabberWacky! Support for more bots is coming soon.
Choose whether you want to type or speak to the bot; the application comes with built in voice recognition. You can also hear replies from the A.I. spoken back to you.
Save your funniest and most memorable conversations to reflect back on later and share with your friends!
Due to the nature of speaking to a bot there is an endless variety of topics, and many of them will lead you down hilarious, memorable conversations. There is a reason many users chat for hours on end; the bots are highly intelligent and learn from your behavior; the more you speak to them the more unique the experience becomes!
An internet connection is required to talk, all of the A.I.s are hosted on external servers and not within the app.