Al-Tarteel 정보
꾸란의 정확한 발음을 가르치는 TV 프로그램.
Learn the correct pronunciation of the Holy Quran with Hafiz Fazle Rabbi. Each lesson focuses on a different rule of recitation with in-depth explanation in English. Viewers can download the syllabus for each lesson to follow along at home.
It is important for us to recite the Holy Qur’an with correct pronunciation and to know what we are reciting. This has been emphasised by the Holy Qur’an, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), the Promised Messiah and his Khulafa on various occasions and places. Since 2004, following the instructions of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V the National Talim-ul-Qur’an Department has been holding Talim-ul-Qur’an Teachers Training Classes for the members of UK Jama’at. By the grace and mercy of Allah, so far hundreds of individuals have benefited from these classes and many of them are regularly teaching the Holy Qur’an in various Jama’ats and regions.