All Engineering Notes (e-Pocket Notes) 정보
This apps provides the study material for BE Civil, Computer, Elx, Software, IT.
Thank you for using e-Pocket Notes. This app will help to prepare for the examination. The current version of e-Pocket Notes provides the study material ( Notes, Syllabus and Course Contents) of :
• Civil Engineering
• Computer Engineering
• Electronics Engineering
• Information Technology
• Software Engineering
Note: Other engineering faculties notes are uploaded soon ! keep following us.
The salient features of the app:
• Notes of your curriculum
• Syllabus of your curriculum
• The course content of each faculty
• GPA Calculator [calculate SGPA or CGPA]
• Grades to the percentage [According to PU but not recommended]
• Students can upload pdf notes of their own
• Students can upload their class routines
The current version of the application is developed to provide the reference notes of different Engineering faculty. Besides that, any student or teacher can use this app for acquiring knowledge. And if there are any suggestions that you would like to provide regarding this app Then send your mail at
All the resources [text, graphics, logos, buttons, icons, library, images, notes, syllabus] that are presented on this application were obtained from FREELY accessible source on the internet and are believed to be in public domain until proven otherwise. PU e-notes shall not be responsible for any kind of misuses done by you. Liability for errors is expressly disclaimed. Contents are the copyrights of their respective artist and publisher. Backspace Innovation is not liable for any infringement of the copyright issues of study materials or advertisement shown in app. All the contents are the property of Backspace Innovation or its content suppliers and is protected by International copyright laws. This app compiles or arranges or uses the resources but no attempt has been made to appropriate materials. If you believe that your copyright has been misused, please contact us at
Mr. Sanjay Adhikari
What's new in the latest 1.0.0
Login issues resolved