Document Reader: Doc, PDF File 정보
One app to read, edit, and manage all your documents.
Summer is here, and so is the All Document Reader app! This all-in-one document reader, viewer, and manager makes it easy to open, read, and manage all of your files on your mobile device. With support for PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, TXT, ZIP, RAR, and more, All Document Reader has you covered.
Key Features
* Small size and lightweight – All Document Reader is only 10MB, so it won't take up much space on your device.
* Easy to use – All Document Reader has a simple and intuitive user interface that makes it easy to find and open your files.
* Multiple file formats – All Document Reader supports a wide variety of file formats, including PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, TXT, ZIP, RAR, and more.
* Dark mode – All Document Reader supports a dark mode for comfortable reading in low-light conditions.
* Multi-language support – All Document Reader is available in multiple languages, so you can use it no matter where you are in the world.
With All Document Reader, you can:
* Open and read PDF files
* View and edit Word documents
* Create and edit Excel spreadsheets
* Compile and present PowerPoint presentations
* Read and write text files
* Compress and extract ZIP and RAR files
* Scan and convert images to text
* Translate text between languages
* And much more!
All Document Reader is the perfect app for anyone who needs to manage their documents on their mobile device. It's easy to use, supports a wide variety of file formats, and is available in multiple languages. So what are you waiting for? Download All Document Reader today and start organizing your documents!
Download All Document Reader now and experience seamless file management on your mobile device!
What's new in the latest 50.0
✔ Optimize app Performance & interaction
✔ Quick Access to PDF, DOC, XLS, and PPT Files
Document Reader: Doc, PDF File apk 정보
Document Reader: Doc, PDF File의 오래된 버전
Document Reader: Doc, PDF File 50.0
Document Reader: Doc, PDF File 49.0
Document Reader: Doc, PDF File 48.0
Document Reader: Doc, PDF File 47.0
Document Reader: Doc, PDF File 대안
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