Alladin 정보
Alladin 방글라데시에서 처음으로 온라인 도매 쇼핑입니다
Alladin is the first 'Buying Club' for Bangladeshi SMEs that aims to empower and propel them on the fast lane to growth.
Alladin is the brand of Chain Fintech that is headquartered in Dhaka with its mission “ Empower SMEs to enable the Bangladesh growth story”. We play a crucial role in sourcing input raw materials for SMEs at the most economical price points. This helps SMEs focus on their core business of accelerating growth, both in terms of revenue and development.
Association with Alladin means for the SME
- Zero investment
- Reduced purchase cost
- At door delivery of raw material
- Quality products
- Increased profits
Armed with a collaborative workforce, the team at Alladin comprises of professionals who are driven by a passion to help empower the SMEs in order to achieve their goals. What makes us unique is our ability to make customer engagement a delightful experience. The team comprises over 60 professionals with domain expertise in supply chain, social media, marketing, finance and IT.
We are focused on working with trusted suppliers so our customers are assured of the quality of the product that they buy from us.
What's new in the latest 2.2
- Comment option on cart page against every product
- Option to choose a preferred delivery time
- Text push notification
- Forgot password
- Category bifurcation page on homepage categories
- Restaurant name added in the edit profile, registration, and left menu
- Other modifications