American Money Activity Using Coins and Bills Lite 정보
학생이 판매 항목의 정확한 가격을 지불 동전 및 / 또는 청구서를 사용하는
This program teaches the student to use coins and/or bills to pay the exact price of an item for sale. These programs can be used by kindergarten children or learning-disabled children of various ages.
At the top of the screen is an item (say, an apple) for sale. Under the item is the price ($1.50 in this example). Under the price is a counter showing the amount that the student has paid so far. Under the counter is a matrix with coins and bills available to the student. The student clicks on the coins and/or bills to make the counter show the same number as the price shows. When the student thinks the amount is correct, he/she clicks on the “Buy it now" button. If the amount is right, a congratulatory animation appears. If it is wrong, the student must try again.
Under the matrix are left and right arrows. Click the right arrow to move to the next exercise. Click the left arrow to repeat an earlier exercise. Click “Refresh" to restart the current exercise. Click on “Done" to close “Activity Using Coins and bills to Count out Money ( American Money )" and return to the home page.