Ammurapi Business 정보
당신이 당신의 사업을 성장 사업의 도움을 암뮤 라피하자!
Ammurapi for Business provides you with the extra exposure you need in order to grow your business exponentially.
- Clients anywhere around the world are able to find you thanks to your fields of expertise, languages, and location.
- You will be contacted through Ammurapi's messaging tool and inbox or by a direct call to your mobile number, but that's up to you!
- Clients can safely rate you but not before filtering the reviews through our systems!
- Clients are opening cases all around you and you will be selected to handle as many as you can and all that based on the criteria required per case.
- You can decide whether to accept or dismiss a case.
- Track all your cases through the cases screen.
- Find a lawyer through Ammurapi's search feature.
- Use the fields of expertise, languages and/or location filtering criteria to narrow down the result.
- Adjust the list view results with our sorting tool or access our interactive map to locate the nearby lawyers around.
What's new in the latest 1.1.1
Gain more exposure thanks to our smart searching tool, receive cases online and contact fellow lawyers anywhere and anytime.