Anime Challenge 정보
당신의 애니메이션 KM을 도전! 당신의 powerlevel보기!
Anime Challenge is a game created to defy the knowledge in the manga and anime world. A challenge for the otaku brethren
★ 27 levels, some arranged by themes!
★ More than 650 characters!
★ More than 220 animes from all genres!
★ You earn points guessing the full name of each character and the anime!
It may start easy, but could you made it to the end? Are you ready for the challenge?
An Otaku should beat this game at 100%, can you?
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The names of the characters and their series, can accept multiple correct answers tailored to the local translation of such name. If we are omitting any variant, do not hesitate to inform us. One should take into account the symbols that are part names as hyphens, question marks, exclamation, bars, etc..
Tip: Follow the Japanese name and pronunciation!
We aim to include the Seinen, Shoujo and Shonen genres oriented to the prevailing tastes in ecchi, moe, gore, romantic comedies, etc.. Taking the leading exponents of there, if you think that some anime or a character should be added, send us an email, if the demand is big, be sure that it will be added!
Also if you encounter some problem,
Images, names and illustrations in this app are copyright, trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners.