App Lock & Hide Gallery (Fingerprint Lock) 정보
🔒Lock Apps🔒Hide Images & 🔒 Videos⭐️⭐️⭐️Pattern,Pin,Fingerprint Lock⭐️⭐️⭐️
Protect your Privacy. App Lock with Fingerprint support.(Fingerprint lock only works in Android 6.0+.)
🔒 App Lock can lock any apps Gallery, Messenger, SMS, Contacts, Email, Settings, incoming calls and any app you choose. Prevent unauthorized access to locked apps. App lock also hides your image and videos
🔒One of the lightest AppLock on App Store which does not consume RAM, battery
🔒 AppLock has PIN , Pattern Lock and Fingerprint.
🔒PIN lock has random keyboard.
🔒App Lock takes picture of unauthorized person who try open locked apps
🔒 App Lock can hide pictures and videos. Hidden pictures and videos are removed from Gallery and only visible in the photo and video vault. You can view hidden images and watch hidden videos inside App Lock
🔒 With AppLock, you will never worry about a friend borrows your phone to play games with mobile again,never worry about a friend gets your phone to look the gallery, private data in your apps
🔒Fastest App Lock with Intruder Selfie
🔒Lock Pictures
🔒Hide Videos
🔒Lock settings to prevent others from uninstall applications
🔒App Lock has random keyboard and invisible Pattern Lock.
🔒Hide AppLock icon
Permission Notice
● Camera Permission
App uses Camera permission if granted to take image of users who tries to open the app.On wrong attempts app will take image of Intruder
● App Uses Read Phone Call permission
If user want to launch App lock app from dialer.Phone call permission is required
● App Uses Read Phone state permission
This to know in what state the phone is idle or working
● Uses Finger Print sensor
This Permission is used to for unlocking locked apps
● App uses Read and Write External storage
This is to save image of intruder who tried to open the app.And to access images and videos which you would like to hide
● Accessibility Service
Accessibility Service is required to Lock the Apps.This will help to lock the app instantly and reduce battery usage.
Huawei and Xiaomi devices have task killer services that interfere with the AppLock service. For our app to work, you need to add App Lock to allowed apps in those devices' security settings.
Huawei: Phone Manager App > Protected Apps > Add App Lock to the list.
Xiaomi: Services > Security > Permissions > Autostart, find App Lock and enable Autostart.
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App Lock & Hide Gallery (Fingerprint Lock) apk 정보
App Lock & Hide Gallery (Fingerprint Lock)의 오래된 버전
App Lock & Hide Gallery (Fingerprint Lock) 15
App Lock & Hide Gallery (Fingerprint Lock) 6.0
App Lock & Hide Gallery (Fingerprint Lock) 5.0
App Lock & Hide Gallery (Fingerprint Lock) 1
App Lock & Hide Gallery (Fingerprint Lock) 대안