ApplyPlus 앱은 존 디어 4 시리즈 분무기를 최적화 할 수있는 기능을 제공합니다
The ApplyPlus application for 4 Series Sprayers gives John Deere Application equipment operators and technicians the ability to optimize their machine through proper set-up and maintenance procedures. This guide is intended to provide a quick-reference overview of key adjustments, maintenance, and operation of R4023, R4030, R4038, R4045, R4044, R4060, F4365 sprayers and spreaders’ right at your fingertips. You can also access a step by step guide of how to properly rinse your solution system. With the ApplyPlus enhancements, customers can now select & buy spray nozzles from the app, easily calculate their Tank Mix for a given application, and calculate their pump rate capacity for Direct Injection.