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For over 85 years AQ: Australian Quarterly has been packing its pages with the country’s most distinguished and passionate thinkers, tackling the big issues in science, politics and society. With longer-style articles written by those at the forefront of the debates, AQ is unique in bridging the gap between journal and magazine, combining the compelling writing of a glossy with the intellectual rigour of a journal. These are the issues that will shape Australia and the World. If it matters to Australia, then it matters to AQ. Contributors come from a diverse range of political and cultural perspectives, and have included prominent Australian public affairs commentators, past Prime Ministers, Living National Treasures, and some of Australia's best science researchers. These have included the likes of Julian Burnside QC, Rt Hon Malcolm Fraser, Prof Peter Doherty AC, Prof Clive Hamilton, Natasha Stott-Despoja, Rev Tim Costello AO, Eva Cox AO, Gareth Evans AO QC, Prof Don Aitkin AO, Kate Carnell AO, Michelle Grattan AO, Joseph Lyons, Sir Robert Menzies KT AK CH QC, Rt Hon John Curtin, Gough Whitlam AC QC and Prof Noam Chomsky.