Arduino Bluetooth V2 정보
Connect Arduino/Freeduino to bluetooth module using android phone.
This app is totally tested on Bluetooth Breakout Module which is manufactured by Bhashatech.
You can use any Arduino/Freeduino Boards.
Bluetooth Module -> Arduino/Freeduino Board
3v3(Power Supply) -> 3.3V
Rx -> Tx
Tx -> Rx
RST(Reset Pin) -> RESET of Microcontroller board. Not neccessary to connect.
1. Start Bluetooth of your Android Phone
2. Search Bluetooth devices
3. It shows HC-06 in Available Devices
4. Click to pair with this Bluetooth Module.
5. Pairing Code '1234'
6. Press Ok to use this device module.
1. It supports only Serial.println() function.
2. It prints Serial.println() data on Android Phone only.
3. It send commands to arduino/freeduino.
4. It supports Char/String functionality to get/set data.
Connect Any Arduino/Freeduino device to bluetooth device module manufactured by Bhashatech.