Ascent 정보
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Download our app to boost your JEE score. The Ascent Mobile App simplifies the JEE curriculum into engaging content through videos and animations. You can access video lectures, track your performance with special tools, clear your doubts and take up challenging assignments that stimulate your mind. All you have to do is download, study smart and SCORE big.
Now, stay connected to your JEE preparation 24x7 with Ascent app.
Take charge of your JEE prep with:
- 4000+ videos
- 15,000+ Practice Questions with hints & solutions
- 1,200+ Tests
- Doubts Forum
- Detailed Analytics
- Study Groups
- Interactive Game Learning
- And more such engaging features
The course curriculum of our app entails Maths, Physics and Chemistry syllabi of Class XI & XII (State & CBSE Boards) designed for improving your score in the Boards as well as your engineering entrance exam.