Audio Switcher 정보
블루투스, 이어폰, 스피커 및 기타 모든 출력 장치와 오디오를 전환합니다.
Make your audio output switch to Bluetooth, headphones, earphones, speakers, and any other output devices. With this app, you can quite quickly play all your favorite audio. You can change to the speaker mode and the music comes from your phone speaker. Download this lovely audio output switcher right now!
The super exciting features of the audio output switcher include:
1. To control audio output and manage audio output for your requirement.
2. Bluetooth (Enable or disable)
3. Headphone (Enable or disable)
4. Earphone (Enable or disable)
5. Speaker (Enable or disable)
6. You can enable or disable all kinds of headphones or earphones connectivity respectively.
7. Simple to switch audio play from your headphone speaker to your phone speaker.
8. If you have any queries or ideas about the audio switcher, feel free to mail us:
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