Australian Mammals 정보
호주에있는 지상 및 해양 포유 동물에 대한 필드 가이드.
A field guide to terrestrial and marine mammals found in Australia and its territories. Descriptions include identification images, distribution information, colouration details, and a growing amount of behavioural detail.
Note that while this app. continues to support capture of your own observations including photos and audio recordings, we strongly encourage you to use iNaturalist for your own records. The strength of the iNaturalist community and the breadth of its observation database are both fantastic. Future versions of this app will store observations captured within the app. on iNaturalist. If you have legacy observations of your own on the Gaia Guide system that you would like to migrate to iNaturalist, please get in contact with us directly.
What's new in the latest 6.110
Updates include various improvements to functionality and performance.