Automatic Call Recording - All Phone Calls Recoder 정보
Call Recorder - Android application saves your cell phone’s all voice calls
Call Recorder – Android saves your Cell Phone’s all voice calls. Now it is so much easy to record all the local and international voice calls with some automatic and smart android techniques. Call Recorder Android application is free complete customized android package for all android user. This Call Recorder Android application is totally free of cost and not require to buy or purchase from any store or pay any subscription charges. You can easily customize your Calls Recorder Android application, which call to record and which will be discharged.
Once you recorded voice calls now open the recoded folder, add note, reminder and share through WhatsApp, Face book, imo and any other different Social Media and Messengers. You can save all voice calls with Google Drive™, Dropbox and also enables calls to be saved and synchronized to the iCloud also. This free Call Recorder Android application is a full flag and very reliable call recording Media, automatic and smart free android application.
All recorded calls are saved in the Inbox. You can customize the size and location of that specific recording folder . If the space and volume of your mobile is limited, you can easily copy all the recoded call to another localized folder. This Call Recorder Android is free Android app and one of the best automatic Call Recorder Android Application according to its function and operation. Call Recorder Android free Android application works as an automatic call recorder and records all type of phone calls
You can set Call Summary Menu with an option to show up quickly after every single recorded call. If you want to find the recoded call summary you can also search it by contact name, number and a specific date and time. By utilizing Call Recorder Android, you would automatically be able to call recording and save any telephone call you need. Call Recorder Android free best automatic call recorder and best phone call recorder for all android devices. With the help of Call Recorder Android, you can easily mark and highlight important conversation and save it to your most important list.
Call Recorder Android is a best free call recorder application with these Important Highlights
Record and save your all voice calls automatically.
Customizes your call records. You can see every one of your calls with choices, (by time, by names or by dates, number)
Liston and play back, or save your recorded call to mp3 format in SD card.
Automatic and smart call recorder
Option to record all outgoing and incoming calls
Record all telephony group discussions.
Blocking of the calls leaned to the programmed expulsion.
Send and attached recorded calls via email.
Multi select, erase, send
Showing contact name and photograph
Set secret word to ensure protection
Bunches of recording groups
Set source (Mic, Voice call, camcorder)
Play recorded sound
Erase recorded things
Call Recorder Android Offer to Save and Share your Recorded Calls
Google Drive
T Mobile
Verizone Wireless
Call Recorder Android Troubleshooting for your device or resulting low quality
1. Change the recording formats: ogg, mp3, ar, mpg in settings.
2. Change supporting source: Voice Call in settings or MIC