AWS Virtual MFA 정보
웹에서 Google Play를 방문하여 쇼핑을 즐기세요. 동기화의 번거로움 없이 Android 휴대전화나 태블릿에서 즉시 구매하고 즐길 수 있습니다.
Enhance AWS Account Security
AWS Virtual MFA is an Android application that enables you to use your smartphone as a multi-factor authentication device with AWS Multi-Factor Authentication (AWS MFA). This is an optional feature of your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account that provides increased security when accessing AWS. This feature requires the user to present a valid authentication code provided by their MFA device, in addition to their username and password, before they can sign in.
Supports OATH Standard
The AWS Virtual MFA application supports the OATH standard for Time-based One-Time Passwords (TOTP), and it can easily be configured by scanning a QR Code with your smartphone or by manually entering a configuration key provided by the AWS Management Console. The app supports the ability to generate one-time passwords for one or more virtual tokens, making it easier for customers who require MFA protection for multiple AWS identities.
Integrate All Your Accounts
You can enable AWS MFA for your AWS account as well as for any AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user associated under your account. All AWS websites, such as the AWS Management Console and the AWS portal, support AWS MFA.