Ayurved Jeevan 정보
우리의 조상들이 건강을 유지하기 위해 사용하는 가정 요법의 상세한 목록.
Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing that’s truly stood the test of time. First originating in the Vedic culture of India, it’s actually considered by many to be the oldest healing science there is. Saints and great men such as Charak, Devvantri, did a lot of research on them and described Ayurvedic treatment as completely natural and harmless.
Ayurvedic treatment not only eliminates the diseases of the people, but also enhances their immune power. This app is an attempt to teach Ayurveda to millions of people so that they can learn these effective and simple methods and apply them in their daily lives.
Along with the treatment of diseases, this app has highlighted the benefits of fruits, cereals and vegetables. Anyone can use the techniques and tips mentioned in it. Along with being simple, these prescriptions are completely homely and these things will be found in your home. Our aim is to reduce your medical treatment costs.
This app is completely free and is in Hindi language so that any person can easily use it.
Note: The information given in this app is collected from other means, so if there is an error, we will not have any responsibility. Users are requested to take the advice of the doctor before trying any recipe. Our aim is to give you information.