B'Metronome 정보
광고없이 무료 메트로놈. 메트로놈 정확하고 인체 공학적.
Free Metronome without ads.
Accurate and ergonomic.
There are metronomes on Google Play but many of them lose timing on high cpu stress.
B' Metronome is focused on reliability and precise timing.
User experience is also very important here , that's why this metronome looks so different than all other metronomes.
Its main features are:
- Totally FREE (with no ads, no fees, no paid features, no spam)
- No permissions
- Made by a musician
- As accurate as possible on Android (for that reason there is no first beat accent)
- 20-900 bpm
- Fractional tempos such as 90.7
- Pixel sharp graphics even on small screens
- Landscape support
- Lightweight (~ 500kB)
- Auto play
- Fully customizable tempo buttons
- Fullscreen swipe for tempo change
- Proper tap with average tempo
- Random tempo button
- Timer
- Training log / statistics
This is version 0.9.x; additional features soon to be implemented along with bug fixes.
Thanks for your patience and interest in this ad free Metronome :-)