BabyRabies Blog 정보 blog- 액세스 블로그 콘텐츠, 플러스 더 많은 것을위한 앱!
Baby Rabies - that's what happens when your baby fever reaches epic levels of crazy, and the only cure is to have a baby. I self diagnosed myself with Baby Rabies in 2007, and have been blogging about trying to conceive (oh yes, so sorry), pregnancy, and parenthood ever since.
This is an app for the blog. This is not an app about babies with rabies. (It says in the How To Write One of These article I'm going by to be very clear about what you can expect from my app. So... you're welcome... I'm sorry?)
Not only will you be able to access all my blog content here, and get push notices (if you so choose) when new stuff is published, but you also have easy access to the Baby Rabies social channels, and other fun/helpful/time-consuming links.
Easily save you favorite blog posts, and access them even when you're not online. (Craft tutorial... or birth story you like to re-read monthly as birth control? Your call.)
Comment or share (or both!) directly from within the app, and easily reach out to me via the contact form.
*The app is not responsible for my response time. That would be entirely on me and how many times my kids take turns with colds and the stomach bug.
A little about me? Well, okay.
My writing and content has been featured by major outlets like Upworthy, Buzzfeed, Cosmopolitan, Huffington Post, HLN, DailyMail, Real Simple, and more.
I am a digital content creator, photographer, videographer, brand consultant, and public speaker. I have a background in marketing, fundraising, public relations, and a degree in broadcast journalism from the University of MIssouri.
I was recognized by Vogue Magazine as one of 8 people to follow in your 30s, and was one of Time Magazine's 140 Twitter accounts to follow in 2013.
I'm passionate about embracing my messy reality, and encouraging people to drop the veil of Pinterest perfection and show the world their dirty dishes on Instagram. I live outside of Dallas, TX with my husband and 3 young children.