Badminton Coach Lee Stories 정보
Welcome to Badminton Coach Lee stories, learn by badminton Coach Lee Jae Bok
Welcome to Badminton Coach Lee Stories, in this app you will learn right badminton attitude with coach Lee stories. Learn and improve your badminton game by badminton coach Lee Jae Bok and reach high levels.
In this app you will get all badminton coach Lee stories. The navigation is simple just tap on the top menu or slide the navigation drawer from left to see the items which you can tap on like Training Clips, Badminton rules. When you tap on the Training clips you will get list of badminton training videos by Coach Lee Jae Bok and you can also filter the list of badminton videos by simply entering the keywords related to that badminton training. Once you open or filter the badminton clips just tap on it and you will be able to see the badminton training videos by which you can take your game to next level. If you want more badminton training apps then tap on the context menu on the top right and select more apps. I hope this app will hep you to take your badminton game to next level and all the very best to your badminton training.
Coach Lee tells some stories to badminton players like practice with clear reason why you do it, be strong against stronger players and be respectable against weaker opponents, a swan among crows. With the help of the stories one will be able to learn right badminton attitude to reach higher levels of their badminton game.