두통의 연구를위한 영국 협회 (BASH)
The British Association for the Study of Headache (BASH) is the United Kingdom national society member of the International Headache Society (IHS) and the European Headache Federation (EHF).The Association was founded in 1992 by Dr T.J Steiner, The Princess Margaret Migraine Clinic, Charing Cross Hospital, London and was incorporated in 1998.
We are currently working closely with the Migraine Trust to support the development of headache service delivery from both clinical and organisational perspectives.In the educational field, we provide programs of continuing education for all healthcare professionals. A regular meeting in Stoke is targeted at neurology specialist registrars and general practitioners with a special interest in headache.
We are also working to develop a research agenda and a number of projects are complete or underway. Evidence based primary care guidance for imaging brain tumor has been published and guidance for headache in sport has been submitted for publication in the peer reviewed literature.
Finally, we work with other headache groups in the UK under the umbrella organisation Headache UK. Through this we support an all party parliamentary group on headache which seeks to raise the profile and improve headache services.