Basics Of Automobile 정보
Basics Of Automobile for Beginners
Automobile Engineering wide field of engineering that deals with the designing, manufacturing, repairing and testing automobiles like scooters, bike, cars, buses, trucks etc. and the related engineering components and systems. For the perfect blend of manufacturing and designing automobiles, Automobile Engineering works on the features of various elements of Engineering such as mechanical, electrical and electronic, machine design and software engineering.
Automobile engineering is the one of the stream of mechanical engineering. It
deals with the various types of automobiles, their mechanism of transmission
systems and its applications. Automobiles are the different types of vehicles used
for transportation of passengers, goods, etc. Basically all the types of vehicles
works on the principle of internal combustion processes or some times the
engines are called as internal combustion engines. Different types of fuels are
burnt inside the cylinder at higher temperature to get the transmission motion in
the vehicles. Most of the automobiles are internal combustion engines vehicles
only. Therefore, every mechanical and automobile engineer should have the
knowledge of automobile engineering its mechanism and its various applications.
This Automobile Engineering book prepared for the students, teacher and professionals related to bachelor of engineering, diploma and engineering courses. It covers of eight chapters having the various topics thoroughly and in detail. It provides end to end explanation of vehicle mechanism and functioning principles of systems with simple and eye catching illustrations. This book is best resource for all automobile engineering courses.