Battery Expert 정보
Take care of your battery !
Battery Expert is an energy saver that can extend your battery life up to 50% by finding applications and high energy settings on your device.
Save your energy !
Find out what your empty battery. Adjust your power settings (p. Ex. Brightness) disable unnecessary applications that drain your battery.
Estimate accurately the remaining battery time
Shows how long will your battery in a variety of situations (playing games, wifi on or off, etc.)
Professional Charge
Battery Doctor regulates how your device is recharged with a single charging system in 3 steps to ensure you have the best battery and reminds you not to overload. It also has features that can monitor and control energy consumption.
Key Features
- Turn off unneeded applications that drain your battery !
- Task Killer kills tasks in one click !
- Stop applications when the screen is off !
- Precise remaining battery time !
- Recharge remaining accurate !
- Plan how saving energy for work / class / during sleep and more !
- Unique system of charging in 3 steps !
- Wifi button / Data / Bluetooth !
- Brightness control !
- Management Processor (rooted mobiles) !
- Battery temperature !
- Tips to reloading !
- Easy to use interface !