Battery Info 정보
배터리 정보는 장치의 배터리 세부 사항을 유지하는 간단한 방법입니다
* Battery information is a simple way to keep up with your device's battery details.
* The app works as a battery monitor compiling all useful information necessary for you to identify any energy anomalies.
* Keep in mind that the app by itself is NOT a battery saver, at least for now. It simply aggregates data to keep you informed of the battery details.
* Use BatteryInfo to:
- Monitor your battery details in real-time such as instant consumption and battery temperature and more.
- Check your device specifications, network information, storage details and memory usage.
- Find out what apps are running and how much memory they are using.
- Keep track of your battery state history with interactive charts with different time intervals.
What's new in the latest
- Supported Android 8.1