Beacon Factory 정보
응용 프로그램은 소매 업체, tourisms, 쇼핑몰 블루투스 근접 마케팅을 구현할 수 있습니다.
Skynet Technologies presents Beacon Factory App which allow retailers, tourisms, malls to implement Bluetooth Proximity Marketing Solutions to attract customers in-store.
Proximity Marketing by Skynet Technologies presents Beacons App and CMS providing benefits like Customer Engagement, Mobile Marketing or Mobile Advertising.
- Accurately locate customers in store.
- Deliver targeted messages and notifications, deals and promotions.
- Offer detailed information for deals and promotions.
- Understand visitors better to maximise your investment.
- Alert visitors to new items in store.
- Add value with inspiring or explanatory videos, images, creative ideas and more.
- Give access to exclusive services or content when users are close by.
What we provide?
- Platform independent solution works with both Android and iOS platforms.
- Ease of customization, configuration and integration with existing store systems.
- Easy to deploy, monitor and manage with our beacon management platform.