Beacon Funnels Beacon Config App 정보
BeaconFunnels 근접 비콘 구성 응용 프로그램.
The Beacon Funnels Proximity Beacon Configuration App is a Phone APP for configuring “Skylab Beacons” which is made by Skylab RD Team. Use this APP to connect to your
“Skylab Beacon” and modify its parameters such as UUID, Major, Minor, Beacon Name and so on. These parameters will be advertised after the Beacon being advertising state.
The Beacon being connected should be happened with a password
required action within 30 seconds, so that user get the operation right. Timeout
or a wrong password will cause a disconnection from the Beacon. Configure
Beacon’s parameters after connection completed, these parameters will be
broadcasted when the Beacon being advertising.
1. Scan for Skylab Beacons Click the scan icon to start scanning for Skylab Beacons, than the discovered Beacons’ information will be shown in the list.
2. Connect to a Skylab Beacon Click one of the Beacons item to start connecting to a target Beacon.
3. Enter password When in a connection, Skylab Beacon will require the password firstly. Enter a correctly password to get the operation right.
4. Configuration After enter connection, configure the parameters through clicking the
corresponding item to enter configuration view. It is very easy