Best Universities Logo Quiz: Top Universities Quiz 정보
그들의 로고를보고 세계 각국의 최고 대학 이름을 맞춰보세요.
Guess the Top Universities names from all over the world by seeing their Logos. Have Fun and Enjoy the Quiz Game.
Best Universities Logo Quiz - is a brand-new Universities trivia game with all world's top universities to guess and lot of information about all universities.
Details of “Best Universities Logo Quiz”
• Top universities in the world
• Challenge your friend to guess the universities logos
• Lot of information about universities
This game includes top universities based on the QS world ranking like Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, Harvard University, University of Oxford, CaliforniaInstitute of Technology (Caltech), ETH Zurich, University of Cambridge, University College London, Imperial College London and University of Chicago etc
We wish you a great time playing “Best Universities Logo Quiz” and looking forward to hear your suggestions to improve the game.
Do not forget to comment your favorite University in the comments section.