Bike Quotes 정보
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Some people beautifully arrange powerful or sometimes simple words and make wonderful sentences. Most of the sentences might have a very few words at times but their meaning is never shallow. These beautiful sentences are remembered as quotes which change the way you look at things or some times, change you as a person. Here are a few selected lovely quotes that might change the way you look at cycling.
There have been a lot of wise and insightful statements about bicycling made by a variety of colorful figures over the years. Here are 60 notable quotes, mostly from people famous for other reasons, and one from at least one person you would not expect to ride a bicycle at all.
So, for a little motivation to get you off your computer and onto your mountain bike, here are our favourite bike quotes.
Download free this "Bike Quotes" app and start enjoying and sharing the best quotes of cyclists with your friends, family or acquaintances.