BlacklegCM 정보

블랙 레그 CM은 호주에서 캐놀라 작물에 사기꾼 질환을 관리하는 데 도움이됩니다.

BlacklegCM helps you to manage blackleg disease in canola crops in Australia.

BlacklegCM can be tuned to account for some of the major factors that relate to risk of yield loss due to blackleg disease in your paddocks. It allows you to compare the likely profitability of different disease management strategies including paddock selection, variety choice, seed dressing, banded fungicide and foliar fungicide.

BlacklegCM takes account of costs, yield benefits, grain price, and seasonal conditions to give you best case, worst case and most likely estimates of financial return.

BlacklegCM does not account for all factors that can affect blackleg disease, so formation provided by this tool should not be considered to be tailored to the circumstances of any individual farm.

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