BlockRebar 정보
콘크리트 벽돌 수직 REO의 게재 위치를 실행 목록을 계산
BlockRebar creates and speaks a list of vertical rebar placements for 8” and 6” concrete block walls.
Enter walls as panel, opening, panel, opening etc, separated by spaces, in multiples of 8”. Eg: 96 48 144 = a panel at 8’, then an opening of 4’, then a panel at 12’.
Enter max rebar centers and hit calculate to create the list with all the rebar placements at wall ends, opening edges and adjusted spacings at or under max entered centers in panels.
BlockRebar speaks the measurements as you mark them out. Set timed speech interval in seconds to allow you to move to next rebar point, or lock screen scroll and tap the full screen 'Next' button to hear consecutive measurements. You can hit Next, Repeat and Back buttons to navigate the spoken list, and the measurements are displayed, so you can scroll through the list.
You can also use Voice Input to navigate the list with spoken commands - Next, Repeat, Back, Stop, Wait, Faster and Slower.
Tap the Demo button, to enter a random wall so you can see how it works.