Bobby Movies & Reviews 정보
#1 Best Choice To Discover New Movies.
Boby movies is an entertainment app that basically allow access to all kind of trending movies in cinema or Tv.
For all those movie buffs out there.Tired of surfing the web every time for movie reviews?
This application gives you exactly what its name says,access to the most authentic and quality movie reviews to help you decide whether the movie is worth to see or not. Also it keeps you updated with latest news from the film industry.All at a single place with different categories like :
-Action. Adventure. Animation. Biography. Comedy. Crime.
-Documentary. Drama. Family. Fantasy. Film Noir. History.
-Horror. Music. Musical. Mystery. Romance. Sci-Fi.
-Short. Sport. Superhero. Thriller. War. Western.
What makes our app different is the possibility to find a lot of shows that you do not know about and also Bookmark your favorite films and to stream them later.
Key Features
- Fast search to find movies you are looking for.
- Explore different movies styles.
- Movie details like cast, movie description, trailer, ratings, and reviews.
- Top rated movies based on user's reviews.
- Sort by Most popular and Most rated.
- Watch movie trailers and teasers.
- Create a movies list.
We are the right to choice to find great movies, don’t hesitate to contact us or leave a comment in rating section to help us develop to add more to our Bobby movies Collection.
-Movies information and images are from licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
-Our app uses the Free TMDb API to Fetch Movies.