Bomb Blast Case :Mystery Crime 정보
폭탄 폭발 형사 사건의 새로운 개념. 그를 파괴하고 체포, 숨겨진 폭탄을 찾습니다.!
In this game criminal arrange the bomb in various area like mall, market, house, railway-station, bus-stand, So you find the bomb and destroy it and then after analyze who are the criminal.
It's a new concept in criminal case scene market.
Bomb Blast Criminal Case Scene is a puzzle game where the player must find bomb in the limited time period.
Investigation criminal scene case find the clue, analyze evidence.
Observe where criminal hide bomb will be your key talents!
Investigate all new crime murder case scene.
In this game find the evidence.
Solve all Criminal Scene in the city.
New murder case detective game include in all levels.
So Come fast the bomb destroyer team, find the bomb, destroy it and arrest criminal.