Bomba Blitz 정보
당신의 knacks에 발견하기 위해 게임의 힘을 사용하는 봄바 공습을 플레이!
In Bomba Blitz, from Knack, you'll...
* Command the illustrious Balloon Brigade to defend the peaceful Liquonians from the Combustable army!
* Throw water balloons to dowse their invading instincts!
* Protect your flowers from getting burned alive!
* Splash around like a kid again! Or like a kid if you're a kid!
* Learn about your personality at just from playing the game!
What is Knack?
More than just a game company, we use the power of games to help people discover their knacks - the unique combination of strengths, talents, and personality traits within each and every one of us.
Our technology combines online and mobile games, massive amounts of data, and state-of-the-art insights from behavioral science to understand what makes you shine.
What's My Knack?
The app to see your knacks is almost ready!
Performance Note
Bomba Blitz may experience performance issues on older devices, and it requires a reliable internet connection to play.
Created with Unity. © Unity Technologies.