Braid Hairstyle For Girls 정보
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Hair styles have always been an important part of women's personal style. Hair braiding is an ancient art in African from generation to generation. Each district of Africa has its own traditional styles and each tribe its distinctive aesthetics. Braid hairstyles have been there for a long time now.
Braids and cornrows have been around for years, they have remained popular because they are cheap to maintain and they are versatile. A braid hairstyle is a fashion statement that is hard to hard to miss and no wonder it has been there in existence ever since women began styling their hair. If you have long hair, then braided hairstyles are a particularly comfortable option. They exactly help you keep your cool during summers. These days a lot of women, especially those belonging to the younger generation try out several variants of the beautiful braided hairstyle.
Types of Braid Hairstyle:
Cornrows: Braiding involves taking three strands of hair, starting at the scalp, and over laying one strand on another, until the desire effect is created. While cornrows are braids under woven to lie flat on the head and then sculpted into simple or complex parting and sectioning. There are different types of braids and cornrows.
Micro braids (also known as Pixie Braids): These versatile and easy forms of hair braids are also known as the ‘invisible braids'. Micro braids permit your hair to be natural as they can also be structured into a neat and professional look. An elegant kind, these are made up of small, delicate braids that can be curled for those willing to go beyond the plain old micro! Do consult a professional before you go in for this look for it does not work well with dry or brittle hair.
Tips for maintaining braid and cornrows:
Always make sure your hair is properly washed and treated with deep conditioner before putting in braids and cornrows.
Do not use heavy hair cream this tends to weigh your hair down causing build-up and flaky scalp.
For you comfort selects a style that is appropriate for your hair length and texture.
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braid hairstyle for girls