BTC Calculator 정보
이 응용 프로그램은 다른 사람에게 국가의 통화를 비트 코인의 통화를 확인합니다.
BTC Calculator to check the currencies of bitcoin to others the country's currency and supported 32 currencies:
(AUD) Australian Dollar, (BGN) Bulgarian Lev, (BRL) Brazilian Real, (CAD) Canadian Dollar, (CHF) Swiss Franc, (CNY) Chinese Yuan, (CZK) Czech Koruna, (DKK) Danish Krone, (GBP) Pound Sterling, (HKD) Hong Kong Dollar, (HRK) Croatian Kuna, (HUF) Hungarian Forint, (IDR) Indonesian Rupiah, (ILS) New Israeli Shekel, (INR) Indian Rupee, (JPY) Japanese Yen, (KRW) Korean Won, (MXN) Mexican Peso, (MYR) Malaysian Ringgit, (NOK) Norwegian Krone, (NZD) New Zealand Dollar, (PHP) Philippine Peso, (PLN) Polish Zloty, (RON) Romanian Leu, (RUB) Russian Ruble, (SEK) Swedish Krona, (SGD) Singapore Dollar, (THB) Thai Baht, (TRY) Turkish Lira, (ZAR) South African Rand, (EUR) Euro, (USD) US Dollar