bulleh shah kalam punjabi 정보
bulleh shah poetry (kalam) in punjabi language.
bulleh shah kalam punjabi
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•Bulleh shah kalam
•Bulleh shah kalam
•Bulleh shah kalam
•Bulleh shah kalam
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Is book main Hazrat Baba Bulleh Shah R.A ke halat-o-waqiyaat aur apki shayari hai....
Topics in this book:
-> Aik Alif parho
-> Bulleh nu samjhawan ayeaaan
-> Ek haraf se harfi
-> Bullah! ki janna main kon
This app will really helpful for you. Must have app for each poetry lover understand Punjabi Language.
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Bulleh Shah, sometimes Bulla(h) Shah (1680–1757) (Punjabi: بلہے شاہ ) was a Punjabi Sufi poet, humanist and philosopher. Bulleh Shah practiced the Sufi tradition of Punjabi poetry. The verse form Bulleh Shah primarily employed is called the Kafi, a style of Punjabi, Sindhi and Saraiki poetry. Bulleh Shah’s writings represent him as a humanist, someone providing solutions to the sociological problems of the world around him as he lives through it, describing the turbulence his motherland of Punjab is passing through, while concurrently searching for God. His poetry highlights his mystical spiritual voyage through the four stages of Sufism: Shariat (Path), Tariqat (Observance), Haqiqat (Truth) and Marfat (Union).