Cable-Dish TV Remote Universal 정보
Cable-Dish TV Remote Universal - Turn your smart phone to TV Remote
Cable-Dish TV Remote Universal,one of the best app which helps you to turn your android smart phone to remote to your TV.we are now added the remote feature for the normal Cable TV , Cable TV set top box.also you can try your direct to home(DTH) TV. This is the first app which support both the cable TV and Dish TV as well. we are listed most of the famous TV brands across the globe and most of the cable TV providers and Dish TV providers.if you are using any of the brands then download the app and enjoy our free service.
Available Cable TV providers
Hathway network, Group,TelNet,TrakiaCable,Unex,Unics,VestiTel,VideoSat,Vivacom,WispBG,Bell Canada ,Cable Axion ,Cablevision,Cogeco Cable ,EastLink ,Coast Cable ,Delta Cable ,Northern Cablevision ,Novus Entertainment - Metro Vancouver,Rogers Cable -,Shaw Communications - ,Shaw Direct,Telus - ,Vidéotron - ,Westman -,Access ,Cablecasting,Cablenet,CF,Classicomm,Compton Communications,Fundy Cable,Garnet Cable,Killaloe Cable,MacLean-Hunter Cablesystems,Moffat Broadcasting,Northern,Rush,Selkirk,Trillium Cable,VIC Communications,Videon,Claro TV,CMET,GTD Manquehue,Mundo Pacífico[1],TV RED,VTR,Dastin,Terrakom,Vipnet, (the merger of DCM and Adriatic Kabel),Cablenet,Cyta,PrimeTel,ATS, s.r.o.,Dattel, a.s.,Dattel Kable Gts telecom,Elsat, s.r.o.,InterCable CZ,K + K Cable, v.o.s.,Kabel Net Holding, a.s.,Kabel plus (Cable plus),Kabel Plus Střední Morava, a.s.,Kabelová Televize Jeseník,Karneval,KT DAKR, s.r.o.,KT Ostrava Jih, s.r.o.,NejTV a.s.,Pilskabel, a.s.,TES Litvínov, s.r.o.,UPC Czech Republic,ComX Networks A/S,Tele 2,Telia Stofa,Waoo,YouSee,Riihimäen Puhelin Oy,Salon Seudun Puhelin Oy,Savonlinnan Puhelin Oy,Sonera Plaza (TeliaSonera Finland Oyj),Valvision,Vialis,Videopôle,Bosch Telekom,Cable One,Deutsche Telekom,GdW Bundesverband,Kabel & Medien Service (Munich),Kabel Deutschland,KomRo (Rosenheim),Primacom,Tele Columbus,Unitymedia Kabel BW (Liberty Global),CableTV,HKBN,PCCW,SuperSUN,Antenna Hungária,Délkábel Kft.,DIGI Kft. ,DSP Befektető Rt.,HCS,KableVision,KFKI Számitástechnikai Rt.,Keralavision,A.Ptv Network ,Advanced Multisystem Broadband Communication Pvt. Ltd,Arasu Cable,Asianet (Kerala),Atria Convergence Technologies,Barasat Cable TV Network Pvt. Ltd,CableComm Services Pvt. Ltd,ChandparaCable TV Network Ltd,Channel 3,Dolly Cable Network ,Dew Shree Network, Surat,DL Network, Surat,Darshan Pooja Cable TV Network,Digi Maharaja Cable Network,DEN Networks,DWL - Digital Space Link Nagpur,FASTWAY TRANSMISSION P LTD,Gujarat Telelink P Limited (GTPL),Hathway,Home Cable Network Pvt Limited,ICE TV Pvt,Incable (IMCL),JAK Communications,JPR Channel,Kailash Cable Network P Ltd,Kal Cables Pvt. Ltd,Kerala Communicators Cable Ltd. (Kerala),Kolkata Cable & Broadband Pariseva Ltd,Link Entertainment (Howrah Cable),Live Satellite,Manthan Broadband Services Pvt.Ltd.,Marine BizTV,Mohit Cable Vision,Ortel Communications,Prem Channels Pvt Ltd ,Reliance Digicom (ex Digicable),RVR Infra (Hyderabad),Sanjay Cable Network P Ltd,Satellite Vision Cable TV & Broadband Services Mumbai,Satellite Vision Pvt Limited,SCV,Seven Star Dot Com Pvt Ltd,Shri Balaji Cable Network in Gurgaon,Silver Line Broadband Services P LtD,Siti Cable (SCNL),Siti Vision Digital Media,Spectra Net Ltd,Star Broadband Services (India) P Ltd,STAR NET ORISSA,STV Network,UCN Cable Network Pvt. Ltd. (Nagpur),Universal Communication System,You Telecom.
Supported Dish TV providers
Dish TV,TataSky,Airtel,Sun Direct,DD Free Dish,Videocon,Reliance,BigTv and 100 other dish Tv provider we are supported.
Visit our website for complete list of providers and Tv models which we are our app and Enjoy.