CacheCleaner 정보
Cache Cleaner is a good helper, faster, stronger, smaller!
Applications to speed up your phone and tablets and can prevent battery consumption to solve memory problems.
& Memory Accelerator
- Enhanced memory
- accelerate
- Freed memory
- Clean up junk files
& Task Killer
- Show all details of the memory, the icon, the update time, the size of running applications
- Kill Task
& Cache Cleaner
- Clean cache for all running processes.
& Garbage Collector
- Clean junk data (memory) all running.
& Memory Information (RAM, internal memory)
- Total memory
- Available memory
- Use of Memory
& system message
1, CPU information
2, the device information
3, JVM information
4, memory details
5. The NetworkInfo
6. information platform
7, sensor information
8, SIM card information