Calculator - Vault for Hide Ph 정보
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Calculator - Vault for Hide Photo, Video & Applock, The best calculator photo vault, hide your photo, security the hide private photos
Calculator - Vault for Hide Photo, Video & Applock looks like a beautiful calculator, and works very well, but have a secret photo vault behind it. all hide photos will be encrypted, uninstall the app will not delete the password, or remove the photos.
Key Features
Hide Pictures & Videos: Your files will be secretly stored and can only be viewed in this app after you enter correct password into smart calculator.
Safe Browser: Surf through internet using safe browser and even download photos and videos which will be stored secretly inside this app. You can even bookmark your favorite sites to access them easily.
App Lock: Powerful App Lock system to lock private and social apps along with Fingerprint App Lock option for compatible devices.
More Features
Share to Hide
You can directly hide pictures and videos from phone gallery or SD card by sharing to Gallery Lock app.
Fake Vault
Create Fake vault with different password for storing fake photos and videos.
Inbuilt Image Viewer and Video Player
Support Inbuilt Image Viewer to view pictures and slideshow them with transition effects.
Support Inbuilt Video Player to play videos with any media player installed in your phone.
Uninstall Protection
Prevents Secret Gallery Lock app from being uninstalled from kids or strangers.
This app uses the Device Administrator permission.
This app uses Accessibility Service.
What's new in the latest 1.0.13
Added Reset Password Function.
When type "0000%" in calculator pad, you will go to reset password page to setup a new password and get back all the hidden data.