Calls and SMS Counter 정보
Allows you to control yours phone bills by counting usage of minutes and SMS.
Application allows you to control yours phone bills by counting usage of minutes from your packages.
- app is using date available from built into system call log and outgoing SMS, so it will be working even for calls made before app was installed
- summary for individual billing period
- statistics for individual number - list of calls with division for free and paid calls/SMS
- it allows to set day of month for the beginning of billing period
- switching between per second and per minute billing
Configuration possibilities for packages:
- amount of minutes/SMS (infinite also possible)
- weekdays range
- hours range
- for all number or for numbers specified by user (you can choose number from your call log, your contacts or just type one in)
Application will not drain your battery, because it is not running in the background.
Permissions explanation:
- Read your contacts - used to allow adding numbers from your contacts list
- Read call log - used to allow adding numbers from your call log
- Full network access - permissions used only in free version of application, necessary to permit downloading ads that allow for free distribution of this app
Version without ads: