Card Kingdom 정보
Teen Patti game is an Indian Poker played with 3 cards.
Teen Patti game, 3 Patti, or Three Card Poker is an Indian Poker card game. It is also known as teenpatti, 3 patti, Indian teen patti game, three cards poker game, 3 cards poker, 3 pati, tinpatti, Flush, Flash, teen patti club, teen pati, tp, ten patti. It’s one of the most popular game of taash or taas.
People usually misspell Teen Patti as 3 patti, tinpatti, tin pati, ten patti, teen patti teen patti, ten pati, 3patti, 3pati, 3card game, tin patti, tenpatti, or 3 cards game.
- Initial Chips: Download Card Kingdom Teen Patti & get 100 CRORE FREE CHIPS!
- Play Teen Patti live
- Private Table: Create private tables & play teen patti with invited players only
- Beats slow internet connections. Works FAST even on 2G!
- 3 patti Variations like Joker, AK47, Muflis and many more.
How to Win Teen Patti?
In Teen Patti app or 3 Patti live casino game, players take turns betting chips on who has the best 3 card hand. Each player has option to bet without looking at their cards (BLIND) or bet after looking (CHAAL). Player with the highest-ranking hand in 3 card poker wins the total chips bet (POT).
Ranking of Teen Patti, live casino game, high to low:
1. Trail/Trio/Set/Three of a Kind: 3 Cards of same rank
2. Pure Sequence/Pure Run/Straight Flush: 3 consecutive poker cards of same suit
3. Sequence/Normal Run/Straight: 3 consecutive poker cards not all in same suit
4. Color/Flush: 3 cards of same suit that are not in sequence
5. Pair: 2 cards of same rank
6. High Card: 3 cards that don’t belong to the above types
You can play Card Kingdom Teen Patti in English.
In Card Kingdom Teen Patti, chips have no real cash value. Card Kingdom teen patti doesn’t involve any real gambling. It is completely free. If you lose your chips, you can buy more chips. This game is intended for adults & don’t offer real money gambling or any opportunity to win real money/prizes. Any success in Card Kingdom Teen Patti is not indicative of future success at real money gambling.