Career Poker 정보
표준 카드 게임 경력 포커 응용 프로그램. 당신이 시작하면 중단 할 수 없습니다
Full with lots of local rules!! Daifugo app that everyone knows how to play.
Each player have same number of card, then takes turn to play the card. Competition on who put all cards out first.
Order got from the previous game can have positive or negative effect on the start of the current game. In addition,
there are a lot of local rules. These two main features of this game.
Rules when exchanging cards, the setting of special cards and special requirment can change the order of rank and the
rank of the card.
Local rules can change the game, when exchanging card the player is able to prevent the winner to keep winning.
Japan Daifugo Union has decide five main rules:「Revolution」「Eight Enders」「Expel」「Suit Lock Rule」
「Three of Spade Rule」
The rank from the highest is the grand millionaire, the millionaire, the commoner, the needy, and the extreme needy.
If you want to add your local rules please feel free to contact us.