Categories! (free) 정보
Categories! is a tool to create & edit lists of categories and descriptions.
Categories! aka CategoryManager is a simple tool to create and edit lists of categories and descriptions. These lists are stored in your phone's database. The App can import and export such lists in JSON-format. Exported *.json-files are stored in your phone's Download folder.
IMPORTANT! Download our free category list file (sample) to your phone's Download folder (no Dropbox account or Sign-in required). You can import this file into CategoryManager and edit it there to serve your own needs.
Unfortunately, a bug in Google Chrome changes the extension of the downloaded file from *.json to *.txt. Due to that, Categories! now accepts both *.json and *.txt files to be imported into its database.
JSON-files can be examined and validated with this online-tool
The App is a must-have tool for the PRO version of our upcoming MyPhraseBook application.
It allows you to create your own category lists for use with that App.
Categories! is part of a project launched by tech4lifeapps [SEA].
We specialize in developing educational tools for Android phones and tablets.
Categories! is free of any ads and does not use or rely on an Internet connection.
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