CCNA (200-125) Practice Exams
CCNA (200-125) Practice Exams 정보
CCNA 인증의 모든 목표에 대한 500 개 이상의 연습 문제를 제공합니다.
This application is a practice test simulator which provides 500+ questions for learning, practice and test your preparation for CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate). Exam Simulator covers all objectives included in syllabus of 200-125 (CCNA) certification exam like Network Fundamentals, LAN Switching Technologies, Routing Technologies, WAN Technologies, Infrastructure Services, Infrastructure Security and Infrastructure Management.
Application Include various question types like multiple choice, exhibit based and performance based (text drag and drop and image drag and drop).
We provide flash card with each question which helps you to understand the topic for that question properly.
Review feature after taking simulated exam allows you to understand the incorrect answers and explanation for the question.