Challenge 정보
간단한 방법은 생성, 공유 및 친구와 가족으로부터 도전을 적용합니다.
We all enjoy challenging people for all sorts of things these days. Whether it is to raise money, awareness or just to have fun. Challenge is a simple way to create, share and accept challenges from friends and family. You can discover any accounts from all over the world to see what they are up to.
Use Challenge to:
*Create a challenge and send it to a specific person or share it with all your contact and find out who dares to accept and complete it.
*See the most popular challenges daily and find out if there are any that you might be interested in.
*Discover people who you want to follow for more interesting challenges.
*Create a group in which you can easily challenge all your friends at once.
*Be creative and challenge many around you to do good and have fun.
*See who where you rank among your friends in completing challenges.
*Create your account using Email, Facebook or Twitter.